I have always wondered if I have too much energy for others to handle. There are some situations that occur in my life where it leads me to believe that my playing BIG causes people to back off. Other situations have taught me that when I play BIG others play BIG too and we connect on a deeper level.
Here's one situation as an example- I work with a team and leadership building company and many of my programs are with elementary school kids. I was told today that I scared one of the children. There are many, I realize, reasons as to why I would scare a child. First and foremost I tend to be very loud. My normal voice alone carries extremely well let alone when I get excited and I cheer or I get upset and attempt to control a group of 19 children and a very small classroom playing very high energy games. Secondly I just get very involved and energetic and that can be a little too much sometimes for some people- not just kids.
While attending a course recently called AuthenTalk with Greg Mooers in Denver Colorado (a beautiful city by the way) I learned that society is constructed in such a way to keep your life at a level 7- this is what's deemed acceptable by society. On a scale of 1 to 10 what level would you say your life is at? To be 100% honest when I was asked this question at the beginning of this three day course I raised my hand when he asked, "Between a 6 and 8?" Hence number 7.
Some people feel that their lives are at a level 2-5, these people are typically suffering from suicidal thoughts and are living in their victims. The people who live level 9 or 10 lives are generally thought of as arrogant and self centered because they think that they are so much better off than the rest of us. In reality these are the people who are just living their lives and loving every minute of it! The rest of us, the majority of us actually, respond with a general level 7 because that is what is acceptable in society. At a level 7 you are happy but you are not completely fulfilled and you always have more room to grow AND more importantly you are not any happier than anyone else. You are average.
Let me ask you something... Do you want to be average? Do you want your life to be average? Do you want the people you love to have average lives? My guess is that the answer to these question is no. I may be wrong of course and in that case by all means continue doing what you do. However if I'm right then I suggest you take a look at your life and you decided to live it at a level 10! Be the hero in your own story! This means taking ownership of who you are, the decisions you make and where you are going!
BE. Forget about doing something just allow yourself the space to BE. We are not human doings we are human beings. Have fun just being who you are and choose to be a level 10! Bring those around you up to that level instead of having them pull you back down to the acceptable level 7!
I am committed to Respect and Confidence! (my heart virtue shifted just slightly over the weekend at AuthenTalk- it's truer now than it was before)