So recently I have mentioned that I felt like my parents marriage was some sort of anomaly. Yet last night I went out for dinner and the hockey game with my girlfriends- Montreal won! We went through the customary updates on each of our lives and relationships since we only get together every two weeks or so. Three of the five of us are in committed relationships while the other two are not and have been for a little while now. I fall into that second category. I happen to have many guy friends but no boyfriend right now- I'm ok with that. Anyway point being that in our discussion we came to realize that all of our parents are still together. Then I began to think of all my closest friends and of my closest 13 friends only 4 of them have parents who are divorced. It was really interesting to look at it from a different point of view. Conclusion: my parents are not the anomaly I thought they were.

I mean I am still amazed by them everyday though- they are more in love today than they were when they got married. They have grown together over the past 25 years not apart. When my dad calls I know as soon as my mom picks up the phone that it's him. Her voice changes and she softens at the sound of his voice on the other line. True they have their moments and overall they are still as cute as ever. My dad gets upset because he thinks I make fun of them... Well I do! I love them though and he knows it's purely out of love!
I love this new discovery! It gives me more hope than before. When you commit your life to someone else check that you are looking towards the same things and are willing to support each other on this journey that is life!
Thanks, I love you!!!!!