I am so beyond fortunate! I cannot even believe that I get paid to facilitate transformation in people's lives. I know I've written about this before in respect to working with Peak Potentials and this post is actually about working with Dynamix Adventures.
I've been working with Dynamix for three years now, at first very part time then very full time and now I am back to part time. The way my schedule is working out right now I am only working on retreats! I mean truly I don't know that I could possibly be happier with the way this. Being at retreats are where I shine. I am able to connect with the kids which allows me to figure out where the balance is between being strict and having fun. I am able to do real debriefs and I am able to be in nature.
This past weekend was the epitome of why I do what I do. A grade 10 and 11 student leadership class came up to camp for a retreat with us. These teens were beyond amazing! They showed up ready to learn and have fun. They took on every challenge that was put forth with such intense energy and passion. I got to push them to go beyond their comfort zone and really look at not only the challenge but also their lives! They learned a ton and they taught me even more. This retreat was truly a gift for me.
On the last night we had a bon fire and shared what our favourite moments were and why. For me the entire retreat was my favourite moment! In all reality I was so emotional because my heart virtue was perfectly fulfilled. These kids showed respect, stepped into their integrity and stood in their confidence. It was incredible to be a part of and I am so very thankful for having been given the experience.
What is potential? Where does it take you? We all have the potential to be great! This is about the journey and the experience of our Hidden Potential.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Girl Time
Last night was all about girl time for me. I did my nails, they are now purple again, and watched a movie. Now I will freely and willingly admit that I watch clicks flicks and in all reality it has sort of come to a point where that's pretty much all I watch.
There are many points as to why this is; first of all when I sit down to watch a movie I really just want to be entertained and finish watching it feeling good. Therefore war movies are a no for me and dramas are becoming less and less enjoyable for me. Perhaps that has to do with having to watch them so often while I was in school and just getting bored of them. I am not a fan of horror because I do not like being scared in a movie and most of the time they are just stupid anyway. I suppose thrillers fall into that same reasoning for me. Action is probably the only other category that I still watch and enjoy; The Italian Job and Star Trek fall into action for me and I LOVE both of those movies.
Anyway back to chick flicks... Whenever I am asked what my favourite movie is my automated response in Grease, because I do truly love that movie. When I stop and think about it though there is another movie that I will pick off my shelf to watch over and over again when I just want to watch a movie and cannot seem to decided which one I want to see. It's sort of my fall back always feel good movie. Drum roll....................
Something's Gotta Give

This movie just makes me happy. The interaction between Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson is just... wonderful and exceptionally entertaining. I suppose I also relate to Diane Keaton's character- she's kinda uptight, a little neurotic and tough. Nicholson, whom I am normally not a big fan of, is actually beyond perfect in this role. I realize that they are both excellent actors and that these roles may not have been very big stretches for them they played their parts VERY well. Every time I watch this movie I laugh and tear up a little and then laugh some more. So I wonder if my favourite movie response really should be evaluated and changed from Grease to Something's Gotta Give...
There are many points as to why this is; first of all when I sit down to watch a movie I really just want to be entertained and finish watching it feeling good. Therefore war movies are a no for me and dramas are becoming less and less enjoyable for me. Perhaps that has to do with having to watch them so often while I was in school and just getting bored of them. I am not a fan of horror because I do not like being scared in a movie and most of the time they are just stupid anyway. I suppose thrillers fall into that same reasoning for me. Action is probably the only other category that I still watch and enjoy; The Italian Job and Star Trek fall into action for me and I LOVE both of those movies.
Anyway back to chick flicks... Whenever I am asked what my favourite movie is my automated response in Grease, because I do truly love that movie. When I stop and think about it though there is another movie that I will pick off my shelf to watch over and over again when I just want to watch a movie and cannot seem to decided which one I want to see. It's sort of my fall back always feel good movie. Drum roll....................
Something's Gotta Give

This movie just makes me happy. The interaction between Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson is just... wonderful and exceptionally entertaining. I suppose I also relate to Diane Keaton's character- she's kinda uptight, a little neurotic and tough. Nicholson, whom I am normally not a big fan of, is actually beyond perfect in this role. I realize that they are both excellent actors and that these roles may not have been very big stretches for them they played their parts VERY well. Every time I watch this movie I laugh and tear up a little and then laugh some more. So I wonder if my favourite movie response really should be evaluated and changed from Grease to Something's Gotta Give...
Saturday, September 11, 2010
This week has been wonderful! I got to go for walks along the beach of the Pacific ocean and the Atlantic ocean! I hadn't thought of how cool that was until I had said it out loud yesterday in talking to my mom. I have come to also realize how relaxing it is for me to walk along a beach. I'm not such a huge fan of sand though, so you would think that I would not like the beach very much then... Truth be told that I am not a fan of that fluffy, light and dry sand so much because it's harder to walk on and it really gets between my toes. The packed down recently been wet sand though is fabulous!
A few things I love about the beach...
1. I love making footprints in the sand that seem to vanish not long after- You know that quote about some people come in and out of your life while others leave footprints on your heart? Well that's what these footprints remind me of. As I walk I don't make a huge imprint on the beach, it just takes me and all of my stuff says thank you and continues to allow for a space of release for many others. It does not take on my issues, it simply allows me to be and let go.

2. The sound of the water- This is one of the most soothing parts about being at the beach for me .
3. Watching the birds- The really little birds that just run around all over the place are so cute and fun to watch.
4. Watching the people- I love watching people interact and at the beach they look so much more relaxed and at peace.
Anyway point being that I totally understand why people go to the beach on a vacation. Walking along the beach helps me relax! I have a difficult time just sitting on the beach doing nothing but as long as I am walking it's great!!! And so all that being said I am going to go get ready to go to the beach!!! :-)
A few things I love about the beach...
1. I love making footprints in the sand that seem to vanish not long after- You know that quote about some people come in and out of your life while others leave footprints on your heart? Well that's what these footprints remind me of. As I walk I don't make a huge imprint on the beach, it just takes me and all of my stuff says thank you and continues to allow for a space of release for many others. It does not take on my issues, it simply allows me to be and let go.
2. The sound of the water- This is one of the most soothing parts about being at the beach for me .
3. Watching the birds- The really little birds that just run around all over the place are so cute and fun to watch.
4. Watching the people- I love watching people interact and at the beach they look so much more relaxed and at peace.
Anyway point being that I totally understand why people go to the beach on a vacation. Walking along the beach helps me relax! I have a difficult time just sitting on the beach doing nothing but as long as I am walking it's great!!! And so all that being said I am going to go get ready to go to the beach!!! :-)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
So I have this uncanny ability to manifest anything I want into my life. I had not thought of myself as being a powerful manifester until relatively recently though. Now however I acknowledge that it is part of my skill set.
That being said I still manage to manifest things that I don't necessarily want... I am sure that I have written about this before and oh imagine that it has showed up again. I am clear that the universe is doing all it can to teach me this lesson I just have yet to get it apparently.
I consistently pick the most unavailable guys to connect with; twice my age, married, 6 years younger, separated, crazy, just plain emotionally unavailable. I am pretty sure that there are several reasons for this the simplest one being that it's safe. It's safe for me to like these guys because I am clear that nothing can ever really happen and therefore I cannot ever get hurt if nothing ever happens. Sad huh?
I also have this idea that I am not ready for a committed relationship so I find guys who cannot commit which puts it on them and takes it off of me... Then I stop and think about it and end up writing a blog post because I am frustrated at myself for consistently manifesting the same stuff!
Oh what's a girl to do?!
I think I'm done my venting for now. Thank you!
That being said I still manage to manifest things that I don't necessarily want... I am sure that I have written about this before and oh imagine that it has showed up again. I am clear that the universe is doing all it can to teach me this lesson I just have yet to get it apparently.
I consistently pick the most unavailable guys to connect with; twice my age, married, 6 years younger, separated, crazy, just plain emotionally unavailable. I am pretty sure that there are several reasons for this the simplest one being that it's safe. It's safe for me to like these guys because I am clear that nothing can ever really happen and therefore I cannot ever get hurt if nothing ever happens. Sad huh?
I also have this idea that I am not ready for a committed relationship so I find guys who cannot commit which puts it on them and takes it off of me... Then I stop and think about it and end up writing a blog post because I am frustrated at myself for consistently manifesting the same stuff!
Oh what's a girl to do?!
I think I'm done my venting for now. Thank you!
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