There are many points as to why this is; first of all when I sit down to watch a movie I really just want to be entertained and finish watching it feeling good. Therefore war movies are a no for me and dramas are becoming less and less enjoyable for me. Perhaps that has to do with having to watch them so often while I was in school and just getting bored of them. I am not a fan of horror because I do not like being scared in a movie and most of the time they are just stupid anyway. I suppose thrillers fall into that same reasoning for me. Action is probably the only other category that I still watch and enjoy; The Italian Job and Star Trek fall into action for me and I LOVE both of those movies.
Anyway back to chick flicks... Whenever I am asked what my favourite movie is my automated response in Grease, because I do truly love that movie. When I stop and think about it though there is another movie that I will pick off my shelf to watch over and over again when I just want to watch a movie and cannot seem to decided which one I want to see. It's sort of my fall back always feel good movie. Drum roll....................
Something's Gotta Give

This movie just makes me happy. The interaction between Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson is just... wonderful and exceptionally entertaining. I suppose I also relate to Diane Keaton's character- she's kinda uptight, a little neurotic and tough. Nicholson, whom I am normally not a big fan of, is actually beyond perfect in this role. I realize that they are both excellent actors and that these roles may not have been very big stretches for them they played their parts VERY well. Every time I watch this movie I laugh and tear up a little and then laugh some more. So I wonder if my favourite movie response really should be evaluated and changed from Grease to Something's Gotta Give...
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