It is now 11:15 am and the hill opened at 9. Therefore you are probably wondering what the fuck I am doing inside. Well I am already injured. Not majorly or anything but enough that if I were to keep going I could do some serious damage to my arm and that would not be pleasant. Therefore I made the choice to stop, even though I was only out there for an hour and a half, and only got to do one full run down the hill... we started on the bunny hill.
I am proud of myself though. I can get down a hill without any major issues doing what I know how to do. So far all the hard falls I took today were when I was pushing myself out of my comfort zone and attempting to get better at snowboarding. You see I began skiing at the age of 4 and I even won the gold in my ski class when I was 8. However we stopped coming up around that time and my ski skills are adequate to get me down and get me down pretty gracefully at that. When I was in grade 9 I decided to try my hand at snowboarding. I did it on a trip to Mont St. Anne and was pretty bad. Not awful but not awesome. I skied a few times after that, since I was more comfortable doing that and I owned equipment. Last winter I took my brother's board and came up to this very hill.

Hence why I am now sitting indoors writing this post rather than continuing to push myself to learn and get better at boarding. For $20 a day though I am happy I got an hour and a half in and I am prepared to get back on the hill when I get back into town in February! Today I am thankful for my very patient brothers who are really good and could easily have done 10 runs by now... and yet they are each teaching friends and helping them learn and get down the hill. It really is pretty amazing to watch them in their gifts.
Et bon, in the end I have had a good morning.
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