What's the one thing that people would NEVER call you?
What's the one thing that you would NEVER want to be called?
That's the one thing stopping you from greatest!
It is very interesting how we program ourselves to stay safe. I mean our brains are wired in such a way as to protect us from harm. Hence why many people do not step out of their comforts zones; if they did what could happen?! They could get hurt.
What would your life look like if you stepped up into a situation where someone MAY think that one thing people would NEVER say about you? Of course it does not mean that they would think it, it just means they might and then what would happen to you if they did?
Example- I have been asked several times over the past year or so if I have ever considered becoming a trainer- either with Peaks or outside of them. I have safely responded with- it's not resonating with me right now and I like where I am for the moment. Both very justifiable answers and currently true, however am I missing something? Am I not owning up to the fact that yes perhaps I would love to be on stage?
(I discovered that this 'taboo' we had come up with is not my actual taboo however for the purpose of this example it works perfectly, so go with it)
I am a nobody. This is one thing that I do not want anyone to ever say about me. That I have no purpose or right to say what I have to say. Therefore could you imagine what it would be like for me to get on a stage and train others on how to stand in their power? What gives me that right? Who the hell am I to do that? What would my life be like if I could stand there and train and not allow their thoughts of 'who the fuck does she think she is?' to affect me? Or better yet allow them to push me to be even more in-tune and more awesome?!
So again I ask; what is the one thing that no one will ever think about you?
The course I am currently attending is called; Life Formula with Greg and Tamara Mooers Montana, for more information click HERE and HERE
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