Tuesday, April 26, 2011


My beautiful goddess sister Kelly came over this past weekend. She is doing a 'soul restoration' course through Brave Girls Club. While she was here she showed me some of the craft technique videos. Such as what you can really accomplish with Mod Podge, one of the greatest crafting tools EVER! Mod Podge is a glue and a sealer and it keeps many things on canvas such as beads, tissue paper, embroidery sting and mosaic tiles.

Watching these videos with Kelly got me into a crafting mood. Which always makes me excited because I really do enjoy being creative. And so today is crafting day with mom. I have sketched out what I would like my painting to look like and I am open to adding lots of stuff to it as I go. This painting is to be an homage to Peaks and all the camps that have transformed my life in so many ways. I have been wanting a tattoo since I attended Enlightened Warrior Training Camp in June of 2008, however I have not yet taken the steps to get it done. I suppose I am still debating really if I want to have any design, even if it's one I LOVE, tattooed permanently on my body... To top that off I still do not have a design that I LOVE.

I suppose the point of this post is to ask you what are you doing that is creative? I will be painting and crafting today and writing this blog post is also part of my creativity. You can collage, colour, draw, write, photograph or read even- I challenge you to do something using your right brain today!

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