Friday, November 18, 2011


For as long as I can remember I have never had an issue speaking in front of people. I can stand on a stage in front of 500 people easily and speak.

How many of you reading this are thinking, “I hate speaking in front of people!” ? Did you know that the number one fear in North America is the fear of public speaking? And that the root fear of that is really public humiliation and ridicule?

Here's what I've learned over the last couple of months; when I stand in front of people and I am genuine, having fun and as is'ing EVERYTHING it is easy. Although I suppose that being able to as is everything also means that I am able to laugh at myself.

This weekend I am on stage at The Millionaire Mind Intensive in East Rutherford New Jersey as the Assistant Trainer, which is not the position that I was meant to be fulfilling here. Yet somehow the universe decided that it was time to see if I could step up once again.

Here's the one thing that I have noticed this time around. Here in NJ they enjoy dancing; which means they are my kind of people and I am having a BLAST with them!!! I am really looking forward to spending the rest of the weekend with these amazing people. It's going to be a really fun weekend!!!

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