What's the difference between a GPS and a compass? In your world?
In my world a GPS maps out exactly where you are starting and where you are ending and the path to take in order to get there fastest or without construction or in the lest amount of kilometers (I am Canadian- for those who did not know).
Is that how life works in your world?

It certainly is not the way my world works. In my world the GPS seems to constantly be saying "Recalculating... Recalculating" How many of you have experienced that? After about the third or fourth "Recalculating" I am ready to roll down my car window and throw the damn thing out! So I reach over and turn it off.
Now what am I left with? I had a set path about 30 seconds ago. It was so beautifully laid out for me, even if I had to detour a few times it would eventually tell me exactly where to go next. Without the female over what do I do? Where do I go? What do I trust?
A compass is so radically different than a GPS. While a GPS maps out your entire journey a compass can only point you in the right direction. You then have to take the steps and create the path for yourself. I have managed to get myself around Montreal this way since I began driving. I know the direction I need to go and I simply drive up and down various streets knowing that eventually I will end up at my destination. Truth be told I have seen areas of Montreal that I never knew existed because of this.

To take the compass metaphor into a more abstract thought process; what direction are moving in? We set goals and objectives for ourselves with no way on knowing 'how' we are going to accomplish them. We create this vision of what we want it to look like and then if we truly rely on ourselves and trust our internal compass, aka intuition or heart, then our next steps always reveal themselves at exactly the right time.
Think about it; you set a goal. You think to yourself how am I ever going to accomplish this. You sit and listen. You get an idea for what to do next. You do it. Then you wonder, 'what now?' and eventually the next step comes to you and you do that. The process continues as such.
In my experience a GPS can be so frustrating whereas surrendering to a compass and just trusting that it will continue to point you in the correct direction regardless of the path is actually much more comforting.
GPS or Compass? What would you prefer to use in your world?
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