Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Have you ever felt that the trees, the wind, the leaves, the water- the earth talks to you? I have found that when I want to get quiet it serves me best to get out in nature. I have yet to have success in quieting my mind in a room meditating. I am the quietest when I am out in nature. I could just be sitting there or I could be walking- as long as there are trees around me I am more centered.

I took my dogs for a walk in the park again this weekend and I heard the trees and the wind talk to me. When I posed a question to them about anything today they were quick to give me an answer. They told me that although we both have our imperfections we are perfect and that we will continue to grow. They told me to stay true to who I am and that they are always here.

They also encouraged me to release procrastination and to move towards action, so I did. This process was so interesting to me. You see as a human I inhale oxygen and I exhale, or release, CO2 and as a tree they inhale CO2 and exhale oxygen so that I may breathe. When I go into the trees they are saying, "Give us whatever is not serving you and take what you need. We are here in service just as you and we wish to assist you in all that you do."

The trees can be so wise as long as I am present and open to listening!

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