In all of my personal development work I've been doing I have come to understand that I project everything I see onto the world. Everything I see in others is simply a reflection of what I see in myself. More specifically they are the qualities I have within myself- I may not see them or even know that they exist. However, they must exist in order for me to see them because if they did not exist I would not understand what they were. Does this make sense?
Getting to the point... In having a discussion with my girlfriends from University they were saying- I'm writing my understanding of what was said- "Why do you have to take so many of these courses? You have always been to confident and sure of who you were, more so than any of our other friends anyway. You are strong enough to not need these courses and furthermore are they really helping you that much?"
I had many thoughtful responses to what was said. The first of which was, 'I'm doing these courses because I wish to continue to learn and grow as a person' my second was, 'I may have been that person in your eyes, however I was unable to see that person in myself until I began my transformational process' and my third thought was, 'Hell yes they are helping me!'
Here's what I learned from that evening; they were projecting this strong, independent and powerful girl unto me. I appreciate it because it makes me look good, however because they had already cast me into that mold I didn't fit into any others where they may have a crack of imperfection (not that they ever said anything about me being perfect). They had created my mold and they did not deviate from it; while I danced around it and refused to fit in it- they just did not see me.
After all of these courses I can now see the part of the girl that they saw. Although now I not only see her, I understand her. I understand that I am all things and that I am nothing. I am one with the universe.
I am me.
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