Tuesday, August 17, 2010


How connected to mother nature do you feel? Have you hugged a tree today and said thank you for breathing so that I may also continue to breath? Have to looked at the sun and said thank you for shinning on me today?

There are moments in my life where I feel like there is just so much going on and there is no way that I could possibly handle all of it. Then I think back to a process I have gone through and I realize that if I could do that I could do anything. Then I think of how I am such a small part of the universe. I mean think about it how many living human beings are on this planet? Now think of all the four legged animals, and the eight legged ones, and the winged ones, and all other living beings including the plants and trees and such.

I am a very small aspect of the larger picture. I am not saying that I am not important because I am very clear about my mission on this plant, in this lifetime, I am just saying that coming back to that thought of the universe is so vast makes me feel better. And when I really need to feel connected I go and lie down on the earth. She holds me and tells me that all will be ok. Yesterday I had wanted to lie in a hammock and it ripped so I ended up just laying on the beautiful mossy ground. I slept beautifully for an hour or so and it was exactly what my mind, body and soul needed.

I would recommend it to everyone! Sleep outside on the ground at least once in your lifetime!

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