John told me to not touch any of the metal, to hook pink to pink so I could get pulled back up and to look up at the bridge as I fell, note that this last point he emphasized quite a bit. Now what do you think was the one thing that I did not do? LOOK UP!
Here was the thought process that sorta went through my mind, to the best of my recollection mind you, "holy shit, this is cool, um I'm still falling, oh look there goes the rope right in front of my face, and I'm still falling, oh bottom, and back up again! WAHHHHAAAAAA" That last though is pretty much where this picture comes from.
Here's my learn from this fabulous experience; it does not matter how good or cool I look while I'm doing something as long as I'm doing it at my 100%! For me the experience was perfect. For whatever reason I was meant to not look up and to really feel like I was falling the whole time.
Either way I had a BLAST doing it and I am so thankful to the boys at Whistler Bungee and to my beautiful friends that came with me to jump and support.
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