I went to breakfast, well really breakfast food for lunch, with a good friend of mine. He took me to The Elbow Room, which for those of you who don't know about it- like me- it's a restaurant that has terrible service and treats you badly on purpose!!! SO not my kind of place which is exactly why Adam wanted to take me there! Anyway it really wasn't that bad and breakfast itself was perfect. Well the food wasn't fantastic but the company was.
Once we finished Adam, being Adam wanted to go for a walk. Now a walk for me is typically a stroll, just a nice relaxing through forest or by water and short. This walk was anything but short. We walked all the way around Vancouver. By the end of it my feet were dying in my beautiful boots. Bonus- I got to see way more of Vancouver then I have ever seen on any of my previous trips.
So many things that I noticed on this journey. First and foremost that there is so much about Adam that I don't know. He's like a mystery that I get to try and understand every time I get together with him. He is like a little kid; he gets really excited when he is doing something that he enjoys, which in turn makes me super happy because he's just so cute!

Then along our journey we walked through a very sketchy part of Vancouver- East Hastings street. Adam sort of forewarned me about it as we got close. “There are many homeless people not all of them are addicts, most of them are just sick and have no where else to go” he said. Ok. So I mentally prepared myself for the walk although I realized that I really didn't have to. This was probably the biggest learn of the whole journey. Some people just need love. It was all I could to walk by them and send out only love. Love and light without judgement. I am being honest here I have a hard time not judging where they are and yet walking with Adam next to me, this big ball of glowing love and understanding, made my process easier and more enjoyable. I felt safe with him and able to really just be in a place of love and understanding too. I am in no way saying that the walk was easy- it was very difficult to see them and yet it made me so very grateful for all that I have in my life.
Thank you Adam. Every time that I get together with you I learn more and more about you, about myself and about the world. I truly appreciate the way you challenge me and love that you are part of my life. My wish to all of you is that there is at least one person in your life that does this for you- challenges you to become a bigger and more evolved you! I am fortunate enough to have many of these people and I am thankful for each of them.
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