“What’s the greatest thing that has ever happened to you?”
This question made me really think because there have been so many things in my life that have been truly amazing. He then said to just pick one. “Being a born a Buna. Being born into this family!” This is easily the single greatest thing to ever happen to me because this one thing has made my life the way it is now.

When I was about 10 years old my parents began their path and journey to enlightenment. I got to benefit from it. The first thing I remember my mother teaching me, although it made me mad, was that everything everyone is simply a reflection of myself and that when I do not like something that they do it means that I do the same thing sometimes and I don’t like it then either. In the end this was and still is a lesson for me on a daily basis. When I was 17 my brothers and I attended the Landmark Forum for teens. We enjoyed it a lot and decided to continue and take the Advanced course. A week or so before we were set to begin the ten week seminar Landmark informed us that my youngest brother would not be allowed to attend. He was a year too young now because of some situation that happened elsewhere. We did everything we could to get him in and when they said no we said fine. We have never done anything with Landmark again.
About a year later my parents came home one night and said, “We’re going to the Millionaire Mind Intensive in Toronto.” I wanted NOTHING to do with it. My heart virtue of Integrity had been violated once by a personal development company and I did not want to experience that again. On top of it I had school and could not miss. They all went. They all came back and I did not even recognize them. The four of them were off the charts. They had so much energy and enthusiasm for whatever had happened that weekend that I was now intrigued.
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