Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Growing Up

I am currently at my dear friends the Ofners; Nick and Denise, who have three kids; Madison who is 7 and two 4 year old twin boys- Adam and Aaron. In May of 2009 I babysat these kids at my house for a weekend. At that point they still required a lot of attention and assistance with much of what they did. Now however they have grown up so much. The boys are finally speaking English to a degree where I can actually understand what they are saying! They are putting their socks and shoes on all by themselves, true that their shoes are velcro but still!

Watching these kids grow has been so wonderful and it made me think of how much I have grown. I mean at one time in my life I was a four year old too who had just learned to tie my shoes and to dress myself. Now I am just over a week shy of turning 25 years old. Holy smokes! When did that happen exactly? Where have the years gone?

I always thought my parents were so weird when they said stuff like that because I was young and the time between birthdays felt like an eternity! And yet this year in particular seems to have literally just FLOWN by! I cannot believe that we are almost at 2011! What happened to 2010? I guess what they say is true- "Times flies when you're having fun!" Because honestly this past year seems to have just flown by! I suppose in the end it's a good thing because I truly have been having a TON of fun this year.

I guess the point of this post was to simply acknowledge that growing up can be fun and exciting as much as it sometimes painful to experience certain things in the end they are all lessons for us to learn from and I am sure I still have many lessons to come.

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