This is kind of a delayed post because I needed some space to debrief before sitting to write it. Had I written this post earlier on in the week it would not have been a very pleasant reading or writing experience for you or me respectfully.
I understand that I continue to learn everyday. I just do not always remember that this is in fact what happens. Sometimes I really do wish that I could just stop learning for awhile and just be stupid. And then I think about it for a split second and realize how idiotic and selfish that thought is. And then I look to the sky and say something along the lines of, 'sorry- I'm just a little frustrated right now. I know that I am going to understand what you are doing eventually. Please keep teaching me'.
Last weekend I worked the Millionaire Mind Intensive and man did I learn a ton. I find it so interesting how I learn more by working and volunteering than I ever did while I was sitting in the seats. Ok rephrase that- whatever I learned while sitting in the seats gets to be applied while working the back of the room and as long as I am open and willing to continue to learn I get a lot out of working.
I discovered that in order to set a team up for success they need to have a leader; someone who has the ability to give instructions confidently and compassionately. Someone who is keenly aware of everything that needs to get done or is not afraid to ask. Someone who is open and willing to take feedback. And someone who can handle several different personality types while staying on task and true to who they are. It took me a full day to realize that this was a key missing ingredient to our structure last weekend. Once I figured it out though I corrected and everyone continued.
Things just fell into place beautifully from that point onwards. True that I still had a few challenges with certain things and I got a whole other learning from that! I discovered that if I ever want to become and Event Supervisor for Peak Potentials I have to figure out how to deal with unpleasant situation in a way that is productive and effective. I can't continue to get annoyed by it because it begins to in-effect my work and others around me when that happens. I am very grateful to the people who listen to me and allow me to just release whatever is going on- now I just have to find one or two people I trust implicitly that I can do that with, rather than have four or five.
In the end of course it was a phenomenal weekend because I learned so much about myself and others. And so I am also grateful to the universe for putting the perfect team together to teach me. Yes there are times that I was not very impressed and the bottom line is ;-) that everything happens for a reason and that reason is there to serve me!
Awesome post Veronica. I learned so much from you last weekend, and the way you handle yourself in various situations. I feel privileged to be able to have worked along side all of you guys. Have a great weekend.