Sunday, December 19, 2010


"It's approachable, fresh, flavorsome and has a personality all of its own."

Where do you think I saw that line? I got it from somewhere. I mean I am not nearly that talented with words. When I read it my first thought was how happy I am when I read these labels (there's a hint for you). My second thought was that it sounded like the perfect date. Think about it wouldn't it be a wonderful date if they were approachable, fresh, flavorsome and had a personality all their own? By the sounds of it you would certainly not be bored and would likely either love or really dislike the person.

Have you guessed where I read it yet? One more clue- I drank the contents beyond the label......

[yellowtail] is an Australian wine that I have come to enjoy drinking. I have sort of come to enjoy drinking all kinds of wine actually- unlike beer which I have still not even remotely acquired a taste or interest in. Either way I have realized that I love reading the wine labels, they are so beautifully written. I understand none of what they are really trying to convey as far as what the wine will taste like, however they make me want to buy and drink the wine because there is so much love and happiness written into the labels.

The next bottle of wine you pick up in the store read the label. Just see if you feel what I feel. I'm willing to bet that most of you will think I'm crazy, a portion of you will sort of get it and the rest will agree with me. Or at least I hope that some of you get it or agree- it would sorta suck to be the only one who enjoyed reading the labels people obviously took the time and care to write. However I suppose it's sort of like my blog- even if only one person reads it and gets something out of it then that makes my day!

I will continue to read the labels and enjoy them while I drink the delicious wine they are describing.

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