Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sorta Sad

So here's an interesting thought for you to mule over... Can you still be friends with someone that you really like? Better yet someone that you really like whom you've told this fact to? Also on a similar yet side note can you be friends with someone you have slept with? And no I don't mean acquaintances I mean actual friends.

My theory is that the answer to all of these questions is yes. I certainly can be friends with someone I like, I have done so in the past and I can do it again. I have also been able to continue to be friends with them even after telling them I like them and not having it progress to something more than friendship. This being said I find it difficult to continue to be friends with said person if they never contact you... How do you stay friends when you do not want to seem like you want more than friends and you just want to chat? Would love it someone could come up with a magical solution!

And as far as the sleeping with someone and still being friends afterwards in concerned I believe that too is possible. Sometimes it is harder than others but eventually it is always possible if you decided to make it so. "special" friends though I don't think works. One person just tends to get more involved than the other which may cause lots of problems.

Just some food for thought!

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