Sunday, August 8, 2010


"If it's not fun why do it?" - Ben & Jerry's bumper sticker

I am a big kid. This much is obvious when you see me travel... I carry around an Eeyore stuffed animal, you know from Winnie-the-Pooh, as my travel pillow. Point being that I like to have fun and to be silly. I do some ridiculous things just cause I can and because I think they are funny.

Here's my biggest learn over the past year though- if I'm not having any fun then I take myself out of the game. This realization came to me by a facilitator and good friend Greg Moores. While I was attending one of his courses he said, "Veronica you are a leader. And you know when you stop leading? When you stop having fun." I understood what he was saying and I agreed. Since then I have had many opportunities to ingrain that learning even more so into my being.

Last week I attended Ultimate Leadership Camp and wow did this learn slap me in the face! One of the days I got into a group of people and all I could feel was their egos. The group was very competitive and focused on winning. This automatically did not sit well with me. However, it was not my turn to lead and so I did all I could to allow and support their position and learns. This proved to be insanely difficult for me. I found it hard to stay in the game. All I wanted to do was sit on the side and watch them destroy themselves- I wanted to have nothing to do with it. At lunch I broke down. I started crying because I was not having any fun and I was taking myself out of the game. My leader at the time took the opportunity to reground and set a new objective of having fun for the group and the whole energy shifted!!! And the remainder of the day was fun and exciting and entertaining!

In the end; "If it's not fun, why do it?" seems to have become my new motto! It's all about having fun!!! And that's why I do what I do!!!

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