Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I cannot even begin to explain to you how excited I am to be flying back out to Vancouver- then driving up to Squamish tomorrow! I don't even understand the feeling myself so I suppose it's much harder to explain if I were to try then I thought. Point being that going back there makes me feel like I'm going home. I realize it's odd to say that since I have only spent three weeks of my life there over the course of last summer and this summer. It's just something about that place though. As soon as I'm out of the city and driving along the water through those mountains I feel a sense of calm, peace and excitement come over me. Then I pull into Glacier Valley Farms and it's like my whole being rejoices.

I understand that this must sound totally insane to you, anyone who has not been to this magically location on earth, however to those people who have experienced it it sounds slightly less insane. I fly out tomorrow morning to change 300 more lives in this magical place! Mind of Steel, Heart of Gold is the combination camp between the Warrior and Wizard energies. It is an inspiring camp and I get to work it and support the participants in their transformations! This is what I love to do and I am so excited to be doing it with the most phenomenal people that I know.

Can you feel the excitement and giddiness? Crazy!

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