Thursday, February 10, 2011


Situations, or moments occur in my life all the time- by definition a moment happens, well, every second does it not? Anyway. Sometimes I am impressed and other times a little frightened at how off topic my brain and thought process is. I always get to a point eventually but go about it in such odd ways sometimes. You are probably wondering what the hell my point is and why I seem to be avoiding talking about it...

So situations... I manage to find myself is some execpetionally and oddly constructed situations. My friend Nick says the movie of his life is a sitcom and after last night I would agree with him. If my life were a movie I like to think of it as a romantic comedy... at this point however it feels more like some twisted drama or film noir with a not so funny sense of humour.

You see Nick and I have sort of been seeing each other but are not 'official' by whatever dating standards there are. We enjoy each others' company and were just having fun. We decided that it worked for us. About a month ago I came to the decision that it was no longer really working for me and that it would be best to be friends. I care about him deeply and there is no way I would be willing to let go of our friendship, I just couldn't see it getting anymore serious than it already was. So I began to deal with my choice mentally and decided to talk to him when I saw him. Only when I finally did see him I couldn't seem to find the words.

I finally explained it to him last night. He was fine. And then he shared how funny it was that I was saying this now. Why do you think it was funny? Betcha you cannot guess! It was like the universe was pulling some sick and twisted joke on both of us. Nick was going to ask me out right before I went a said I wanted to be friends. Seriously? Seriously!!! I had to laugh because it was just too ridiculous. He said it so well, "you just broke up with me before I even asked you out" How special can I be?

Situations... how do I manage to create them? I know in my heart that Nick and I are meant to be great friends. I know that we are there for each other and that we will continue to support each other. I just also know that we are not what we need romantically right now.

Nick- you make me smile, all the time, with all the silly things you say and just by smiling at me. Thank you for being there for me. xoxoxox

Oh situations...

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