Thursday, February 28, 2013

Ground Zero

I have been feeling like I really need to come back to a space of growth and self discovery. Actually it's not even so much about self discovery as it is about self awareness and acknowledgement. My journey over the last few months seems to revolve around my worth and value.

You see I have no issue owning who I am and where I stand, however I have been constantly reminded that I need to look at how much I acknowledge myself for how I show up and what I do for the world.

Fortunately for me I have some pretty kick ass people in my life that are incredible mirrors for me and continue to reflect just how powerful I am. I continue to practice acknowledging myself for my gifts, and how I allow them to show up and come through me, and my skills. This is a work in progress for me. Mentally I understand that I provide value and am valuable, yet there have been triggers lately that continue to call that statement into question for me.

Have you ever noticed that just because you understand something mentally does not mean that your emotions are on the same page?! That's kind of how I have been feeling. I am amazing at what I do and I understand that but something happens where I believe my value comes into question and then I begin to second guess myself.

Well that pattern ends here and now! I am valuable and I provide value. I am gifted and skilled and people resonate with me because of who I am and how I show up in the world. I am committed to respect, integrity and confidence!

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