Thursday, March 21, 2013


What does it mean? What the heck is the definition of presence?

Well according to, I scrolled down to the bottom and decided to use what they have under the World English Dictionary:

1. the state or fact of being present
2. the immediate proximity of a person or thing
3. personal appearance or bearing, esp of a dignified nature
4. an imposing or dignified personality
5. an invisible spirit felt to be nearby

Last year I was dating someone. We had been together for about three months. We worked an event together and it was the last straw, so to speak, for me. I am extremely fortunate that I work with some of my closest and most amazing friends who tell me what they think without sugar coating it. One of them said to me that it was hard to imagine us together. When I asked him why? His response went something like this, "Well I always pictured you with something different. Like someone with.... you know... Presence." I feel like it's important to note that when he spoke the word presence he stood really tall and powerfully. At that moment I understood that "Presence" is exactly what I wanted. 

Last week while at an event I was immediately pulled to one of the guys there. He had presence. I payed attention to how I felt around him throughout the weekend and discovered, that sure enough when he was less confident or not in his power, he was less present and I was then less attracted. This process was really fascinating for me because now not only did I understand it but I felt the difference. 

Presence for me is about standing in your power. It does not mean that you are the life of the party, or that you are the quite observer or that you are that one who always has the answers. It simply means that you own exactly who you are at any given moment and you show up as fully as possible. 

As a woman it takes about 3 seconds to know if the man she desires is present or not. Men, take note that when you are not present shit may come flying at you and you won't have the good sense to duck! 

I have said this a few times over the course of the last few days; I want a man who can stand in the fire of the chaos that is me, and that I can be playful with. Which translates to, a man who is present to me and all that I bring AND is will of laugh at my quirkiness AND more importantly call it out of me. 

Presence has now become the one word to encompass it all. The Universe and I have an understanding as to what that word holds in full :-)

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