Thursday, November 4, 2010

Goddess Radiance

Tina and I had a good four hours of just chatting and debriefing time on Monday during our drive back to Kingston from Waterloo. We talked about boys, about Halloween and about how our relationships with friends, females and males have changed over the course of the last little while, since doing the work with Peaks.

Here's something that we agreed upon that I found to be my major AH HA moment of the car ride.

When I was younger I used to resonate most strongly with my pseudo masculine traits; thinking that I don't need anyone's help and that I can take on anything or anyone. It used to bug me so much to watch females in their pseudo feminine because they would constantly collapse into weakness and whine for attention. I have been doing a lot of work on myself and my own growth and understanding of not only who I am, and also what the world is and who others are. I feel that I have a greater awareness of all of those things and awareness is the first step to being at choice.

Now when I see females in their pseudo feminine it still bugs me but not because I am in my pseudo masculine; because I am in my divine feminine. Being the divine feminine energy is about radiance and love and going with the flow. This radiance is what makes women beautiful and unstoppable. Have you ever seen a woman that you simply could not take your eyes off even though her superficial beauty was nothing spectacular? It was likely because she was just so comfortable and happy with who she is and she was just shining.

I am not saying that I live here all the time but at least now I am aware of when I am living in which energy. I have my moments of resonance with each of the four; pseudo masculine and feminine and divine masculine and feminine.

Now for the big AH HA of the whole conversation...

When I am living in my divine feminine; goddess radiance, guys are more attracted to me. I do not even mean sexually I just mean that they enjoy being around me and I seem to have a lot of guy friends. When I am in that energy though if I am around a female who is not there yet then she wants nothing to do with me. I sense that I become the competition somehow and there is jealousy there. When I am with my female friends who are in their goddess more often than not they are loving and supportive and all about my growth. They encourage and support me to shine bigger and brighter instead of dimming me down.

I love my life and I love my friends and I am going to continue to hold space for them to grow into the beautiful goddesses that they are since they have allowed me my space already! To the boys in my life thank you for being the container and holding the space for my growth and for being able to stay grounded when I become a whirlwind. It's beautiful to know that I have people in my life who can handle my wonderfully chaotic goddess energy.


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