Sunday, November 21, 2010


Tonight was a very emotional night for the Buna household.

We had ourselves a little chat tonight and it just stirred up a lot of emotion in each of us, although we each has our way of dealing with it. I cried of course. It really doesn't take very much for me to cry. My heart virtue being fulfilled makes me cry pretty easily, a really good movie where it all ends happily ever after makes me cry, or a moving story makes me cry. Anyway point being that I cried tonight.

My father. My father impresses me more and more everyday. Tonight he sat in front of us and spoke his truth as difficult as it may have been for him with honesty and love. I could feel him melting into what he said and I could almost see the stress of what had been weighting on his mind lifting as he spoke. I cannot even imagine my dad ever having been able to speak to us like that before. If something was bothering him he would simply clam up and not let anyone in until one day he'd explode and yell about it. Now he sits us down and just lets us know where he's at and what's going on for him. He does not stop himself from feeling whatever is going on and allows himself to be open and vulnerable. It is incredible.

My brother. Sebastian is amazing. Tonight it just became so apparent to me how much he has grown up lately. I have seen the growth over the last couple of months but tonight was just awesome. He sat and listen to everything that was being said and when asked to respond he said something along the lines of, "You've always been there to support us, and I will always be here for you" So of course what do I do? I begin to cry- just as I am now while writing this. When my mom sees me she asks, "What's wrong?" and I respond half crying half laughing- "He's just grown up so much!"

I am truly blessed to have these incredible people in my life. They are always there for me and I am always there for them. We are here to support each other and to call each other on our shit. So once again I would just like to say thank you to my ohana (family) for being in my life.


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